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Joyce Sliffe Benner
Acrylic on canvas By_ Sliffe Benner

Acrylic on Canvas By: Sliffe Benner

I want to dedicate this page to Joyce Sliffe Benner, my mother-in-law and most significant art mentor. Joyce was an accomplished artist; for over 50 years, she was a Californian artist and muralist always associated with an art studio. attending art exhibitions and classes was her passion. Not just an art lover but an avid gardener, Joyce loved the colors of nature, especially those of flowers and the ocean.


Claude Monet, the French painter and founder of French Impressionism, mainly inspired Joyce's artwork; Motent's painting technique fascinated her, which she tried to follow in her painting styles. Joyce's art speaks color and vibrancy; her paintings are treasured and appreciated for their aesthetic, imaginative, and expressive colored compositions.

Joyce Sliffe Benner was a leading artist in one of the renowned art galleries in San Diego, California, "Arts & Frames By Wood Gallery." Located on Coronado Island in California.


Coronado Island is an attractive place visited by tourists from all over the globe. I am sure Joyce's paintings purchased by art lovers and collectors throughout the years are now a marvelous addition to people's lives in different parts of the world.

Joyce died at 82 from Alzheimer's disease. She left a noticeable gap in the field of art and the hearts of her loved ones.


The impact of a person who influences an artist is always visible in the student's work. Students who become artists reflect on the work of their former teachers. This helps us predict the effect and direction our art will take in the future. The great masters of history and contemporary art teachers can influence and inspire a person equally. Those who have trained us, allowing us to pursue creativity, deserve to be remembered and recognized in our successful moments.


I have had the fortune to practice visual art professionally for more than 25 years; the work and life of Joyce Sliffe Benner have inspired me throughout my personal experience and artistic career. Her creativity and enthusiasm for color have been essential in creating SP Art and Hue Digital Art Gallery.  Joyce, the person and the artist, will always be a significant figure, loved and respected in my life, and for me, this comes directly from my heart.

               Lorena Sliffe Preciado


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