Hello! My name is Lorena.
Let me tell you a little bit about my story...
Since every artist should write his or her Autobiography, I'm here to tell a little bit about my journey here on earth. Since my beginnings as an artist, my family significantly influenced my artwork, a place of secure unity within this beautiful Universe.
I am a universal visual artist kissed by the sun, meaning I am Mexican-born. I was born in "The City of the Sun." I love summer days, trees in all-year seasons, fog in winter, snow wonder, abundant signs of natural life in spring, and driving under the rain on a country road just because it's poetic—all of this I have now by living in the mountains.
I grew up in a family of ten children. I had a very tenacious and creative mother. My maternal grandmother was a painter by heart, a visionary soul full of grace, love for God, and life. I am sure my faith in the divine creation of our beautiful earth and my fascination with flowers, color, and painting comes from my grandmother: my Mamma Chela!
From my Nana, my paternal grandmother, I inherited her stubborn determination to make things work, no matter the task; She never stopped waiting for anyone to help her make her days productive. I loved to eat her homemade flour tortillas! I still make some myself. Every time I make them, I think of her in her tiny rustic ranch a few miles south of Tijuana, Mexico.
I remember when I was a child, I liked to draw, and as a teenager, I spent most of my lessons scribbling in my notebooks. I never ignored the hidden little girl artist in me who knew very well that "I WAS BORN TO BE AN ARTIST." However, I was lucky to get studied and become a preschool teacher and practice my profession in Mexico for several years; for this, I thank my father for insisting I go to school and get an education.
When I was younger, my parents were convinced that art is not something someone with limited financial resources could pursue in Mexico: especially when you have to put food on your table or talk about a noble profession. I also thought of it that way.
BUT, Universe had better plans for me!

Studio in Julian, California

Acrylic Mural

Tecate "El Pueblo Magico" magical town.

Studio in Julian, California
Follow your heart and step ahead towards your goal!
Artist Lorena Sliffe Preciado
Creator of Hue Digital Art

Creativity allows you to make mistakes, and art is knowing which ones to keep. I went with the flow, and in 1996, I began to create works of art professionally for individuals and commercial venues in San Diego and other parts of southern California, as well as in northern Baja California, Mexico, Tecate, and Mexicali City, which is my hometown.
Acrylic paint is my original medium. Impressionist flower arrangement paintings are where my strength lies in the acrylic world. Although I no longer paint murals, creating them has given me great pleasure and satisfaction as a muralist.
Occasionally, I enjoy making acrylic paintings on canvas relatively large out of preference.
As an artist, there is no greater pleasure for me than finding substantial growth and improvement in my projects. As I grew and matured, so did my art. Every year, my work became more and more exciting and fulfilling on a personal level.
I focus my energy on frequency digital abstract art to expand my artistic skills, with color as my main inspiration. Fascinatingly, I went back to do some "scribbles," only now do I see my minimalist abstract drawings as silhouettes of time dancing to the rhythm of digital colors.
The idea of infinite creative possibilities through digital composition fascinates me. Art and technology are exciting, advantageous, and powerful to challenge anyone's creativity. For this reason, I imagined a cyber-gallery to display my art. I am now pleased to present an idea coming to life, Hue Digital Art, a cyber-art gallery.
I decided to join Fine Art America to offer my art through a worldwide trusted Art dealer, making this my next opportunity to thrive artistically, providing my talent to collectors and art lovers in a world-class setting.
Thank you for being here and celebrating with me!